After 15 years of activity...

We must continue the fight to defend the children that are completely missing the parental guarding Right for a family

- March 15, 2012 Chatharsis association joins the 33rd NGOs requesting Romanian Office for Adoptions to modify the Government Decision no. 233/2012 regarding the new Adoption Law application methodology and to reauthorize the private organisations performing activities in the field of adoption.

- The amendments suggested by the NGOs representatives were supported with arguments, such as: identifying the most appropriate families for adoption, increasing the number of adopted children, reducing the number of institutionalized children, generating jobs, training and developing teams of specialists, ensuring salaries and contributions to the local budget.

- The Romanian Office for Adoptions promised that it shall consider the suggested amendments, but did not honoured the promise. The Government Decision no. 233, in its initial status, signed only by the prime minister, shall become effective starting March 27th 2012. From this date the authorised NGOs are not to assess the families that want to adopt. Practically, the NGOs were removed from the adoption services suppliers and the Authorisation Certificates and the Licences for such services were abusively cancelled.

- May 5th, 2012 - The Romanian Government, the Labour, Family and Social Protection Ministry, the Justice Ministry, local and national press notification regarding the Government Decision no. 233/2012 abuse, most of the articles non-constitutional character and the aberrations in the new Adoption Law.

Book launch - June 1st, 2012

For the International Children's Day, June 1st 2012, the Catharsis Association launched the book "15 years supporting the ones with no support". In the Aro Palace Complex, Europa hall in Braşov attended the book heroes and authors, partners and sponsors, local media representatives. The book first volume is not just a testimony, it is a book dedicated to Hope, Trust in People, Faith in Almighty.

The book includes stories about Hope and Despair, Trust and Resignation, Love and Hate, Courage and Fear, Involvement and Negligence, Fulfilled but also Crashed Dreams, Sad Stories but also with a Happy End written by the book heroes and Romanian journalists.

The 362 pages, wherefrom over 200 with colour photos, present in the same time the association efforts to fulfil the Mission "Romania with no orphans". The book first volume includes the following eight chapters: "Who is Catharsis Association?"... "Catharsis Association anniversary"... "Faith, the base for humanity continuance"... "Family, the society moral base"... "Culture, the civilisation building base"... "Adoption, pro and against"... "Advocacy activities"... "Acknowledgement - authority". The book will be posted on association site. Thank you for the reading !

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- July 16th, 2012 - the attendance to the debate organised by the Romanian Government with the objecting NGOs representatives and other public institutions representatives - the new adoption law effects assessment.

- October 7th, 2012 - The Constitutional Court notification regarding the non-constitutional character of the Law no. 273/2004 amended and reissued in the Romanian Official Gazette on November 19th 2009, amended the second time in December 2011 and reissued in the Romanian Official Gazette on April 19th, 2012.

- October 11th - 17th, 2012 - blind children attendance to the "White Cane" celebration, event organised by the Oasi dell'Accoglienza Association from Fano, Italy, during October 13th – October 15th. The children, guarded by their parents and specialists from "Raza de lumină" day centre, will enjoy a coach tour on the Adriatic Sea shore, will meet clowns from all over Italy and will attend a series of activities dedicated to children with special needs from all over the world.

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November 20th - December 9th 2012
With the occasion of the International Day of Children’s Rights, Catharsis Association Braşov initiated the campaign “We want a Romania without any orphans”. The campaign’s main objective is the annulment of the Adoption Law in force, respectively Law no. 273/2004, republished in 2012, as well as of the Government Decision no. 233/2012 regarding services and activities that can be carried out by Romanian private bodies within the internal adoption procedure and their authorization methodology.
The campaign began through a public debate to which USL candidates participated, during the parliamentary elections from December 9th 2012, children and young people, victims of the Adoption Law in force and which was carried out for 20 days, in the period November 20th – December 9th 2012. The Parliament candidates promised a new law, in accordance to the international right documents that regulate adoption, the needs of thousands of children abandoned by the parents in hospitals and neglected by the state in foster care centres.
During the Campaign, Catharsis Association sent daily and one by one to the local and central media 20 articles from the current Adoption Law that violates the United Nations Convention regarding Children’s Rights. The United Nations Convention, approved by the United Nations General Assembly in November 20th 1989 was ratified by the Romanian Parliament through Law no. 18 as of September 1990.
In the same period, the Campaign was also carried out on Facebook. The sympathy wave that the Campaign had among users, Romanian people from the country and abroad and foreigners from all over the planet is impressive.

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December 15th – 17th 2012
As he does every year, Santa came again at Catharsis for the children, young people and families in need. This time it was a richer Santa, who defied crisis and poverty. Santa’s bag was full of toys, school supplies, sweets, juices, food, clothing, personal hygiene products. The gifts were offered by the traditional sponsors: Schaeffler Romania, Associated Notaries Public’s Office of Viorel Tudorache and Valeria Buzea, Barby Route, SC Rauch Romania SRL but also new sponsors: E.M.M.A Organization Braşov, Nova Television Station, a group of 30 young enthusiast jurists from Generali Asigurări Bucharest.

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In 2012, Santa Claus gives Senator Sebastian Grapă a special gift: The New Law concerning Adoption
The celebration of Christmas continued until December 17th when Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus offered a special “gift” to Senator Sebastian Grapă: The draft of the law regarding adoption in Romania, draft filed by the Association at the Romanian Parliament on September 1st 2010. The draft, drawn up in collaboration with 33 Non-Governmental Organizations and representatives of the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection from 20 counties, having as legal foundation the United Nations Convention regarding children’s rights and the Hague Convention regarding child protection and cooperation in terms of international adoption, has been approved by the Human Rights Commission from the Chamber of Deputies but being in competition with the Government Draft, remained “forgotten” into the deputies’ drawers.
Senator Sebastian Grapă promised a debate of the Draft in the Parliament’s plenum and assured us that Romania will have a new Adoption Law in the first three months of the year 2013. It will be a law that will fulfil the higher interest of children definitely deprived of paternal protection: A home for every child.

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Catharsis, transparență și loialitate!
Monitorul Oficial al României, 13.07.2022

Gala Catharsis 25 de ani


Centru de consiliere și sprijin pentru părinți și copii

Școala părinților


Programs and Projects developed

  bullet   in 2013-2014
  bullet   in 2012
  bullet   in 2008-2012
  bullet   in 2007
  bullet   in 2004-2006
  bullet   in 2002-2003
  bullet   in 2001-2002
  bullet   in 2001
  bullet   in 2000-2001
  bullet   in 1999
  bullet   in 1998
  bullet   in 1997
  bullet   in 1996

Ongoing projects - 2014


Suntem acreditați pentru a furniza activități și servicii în domeniul adopției, după cum urmează:

  • Informarea persoanelor/familiilor care își exprimă intenția de a adopta, cu privire la documentația necesară, la demersurile și durata procedurii adopției interne.
  • Evaluarea persoanelor/familiilor care doresc să adopte, în vederea obținerii Atestatului de persoană/familie aptă să adopte un copil.
  • Cursuri de pregătire a adoptatorilor pentru asumarea în cunoștință de cauză a rolului de părinte. Cursul se desfășoară timp de trei săptămâni, în fiecare zi de sâmbătă între orele 10:00 – 14:00, la sediul Asociației Catharsis. Cursul este organizat în parteneriat cu Direcția Generală de Asistență Socială și Protecția Copilului Brașov. Nu percepem taxe de participare.
  • Informarea și consilierea adoptatorilor cu privire la demersurile legale necesare dezvăluirii, în condițiile legii, a identității părinților firești ai copilului și după caz, necesare contactării acestora și/sau a rudelor biologice de către copil.
  • Activități post adopție prevăzute de lege: informare și consiliere pentru părinți și copii, cursuri pentru dezvoltarea capacităților parentale, grupuri de suport pentru părinți și copii, sprijinirea adoptatorilor în vederea informării copilului cu privire la adopția.
  • Activități de informare și promovare a adopției.